Nov 21, 2011

Thanksgiving realization

At church yesterday it was brought to my attention something pretty profound.  Something that I never really thought about - how pure Thanksgiving is.  It's a holiday that has not been tainted with mass amounts of retail, holiday cards or weird traditions (Black Friday aside).  It's purely about family, friends, food and mostly about giving thanks for what we have.  I love that. 

In fact, it's interesting because if you notice, aside from selling food, many stores skip over Thanksgiving and go from Halloween straight to the big money-maker Christmas. 

I'm glad that as Americans we have a holiday which doesn't rely on our pocketbook (or coin purse...ha!  Such old-school terms.) to satisfy everyone, or no need to try to out-do "The Jones's".  It's pretty pure and simple.

Share your thoughts...

 I'm thankful for a family that is healthy and happy this year... And feel so blessed for it.  

What about you? 

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