Oct 25, 2011

Don't stop believin!

Some people call me impatient.  I call it persistence (ok, with maybe a side of impatience).  Persistence has gotten me to this point. My two options - Success or Success. I've gone through major ups and major downs (my story here), that's what life is all about - I try to accept it and get over the downs as quickly as I can. 

I'm a pretty positive person by nature, but was recently going through a funk (people are seriously surprised that I go through lulls - I'm human!).  I got tired of being in that funk and decided to search for a positive faith based book to help me release that ugly energy and turn it positive.  Joel Osteen was the first author to pop into my head.
I snagged my daughter's Kindle (at some point I will go get my own) and downloaded his book called It's Your Time: Activate Your Faith, Achieve Your Dreams, and Increase in God's FavorFirst few pages in and I am hooked and his words have forever changed me. (You can read through the first few pages online before you buy)

If I can pass along any one bit of advice from this book it would be - 

Don't stop, you have no idea just how close you are to achieving your dream.  Whether it be that business you started, having a baby, or going back to college...Whatever your dream looks like, it could be right at your fingertips - so DON'T STOP!

This absolutely doesn't mean you can just sit around and wait for things to happen.  Get going and do everything you possibly can to make things happen and believe that what you're doing is building on your dreams.  I believe things will start happening for you and you will be walking in your dreams before you know it.

All I can hope is that this speaks to you, the way it does to me.  What is your dream?

Disclosure, I am not related to or in any way affiliated with Joel Osteen, his ministries, Amazon Kindle, or anything else I mentioned in here - well, except that bit of impatience and lots of persistence.  Those other things mentioned don't know me...


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